So...what's a gal to do? Run right out and purchase the entire set of Copics? A-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAA...I wish. Or maybe I don't; that's a lot of money to spend on markers. On the other hand, if I HAD said set...and as God is my witness...
I'd never go un-gray again!!
(Channelling my inner Scarlett O'Hara - I'm sorry.)
There is, though, one other option. I could WIN some Copics. Not the entire set you understand, but a really good start to my collection. And who just might be generous enough to actually be giving away a 72-piece set of Copics? The folks over at Crafty Goings On, that's who! Take a look at this set (right). Wouldn't you just love to get your hands on that? Yup - me too!! I've browsed their blog, and the shop, and it's pretty great. Why don't you hop on over and take a look for yourself? Maybe you'll even try your hand at winning this unbelievable blog candy. Hundreds of crafters have already signed up. The more, the merrier, right?

(Wait...what am I doing? If they enter and win, then I won't be able to win. Hmmm...)
Okay, let's do this. If I win, I'll send you a lovely card. But if YOU win...can I borrow the pink?
Congrats, Brenda! You won the giveaway on my blog!